Friday, 28 January 2011

Creating an Exhibition of University work

Our brief is to plan, create and present an exhibition of our University work throughout our time here. This blog will keep a log of the planning that will go behind this task. Firstly it will feature a brainstorm of different concepts that could possibly be used for the exhibition.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack,

    Now that you hgave decided in which team you're going to be working be sure to upload every week tasks you have been assigned and things you have done in relationship to these tasks.
    Also, I need you to start uploading research and testing in regards to your personal branding. Be sure to explain where and why you decided your palette of colours, logo, typo and how is all this related to your personality.
    Remember also that this week you're expected to hand in your 3 images for the exhibition.

    See you soon,
