Friday, 18 March 2011


Another job that the website group had to complete was taking photographs of the students and the students work that will be displayed.

We found inspiration from a car modification blog. The photographs of the staff in charge of their website were taken against a white background with high quality lighting to give a soft feel. The pose that the people are in is also very inspriring. It shows the people acting natural, laughing and having a good time. Here is the website...

I had a play around in Photoshop an made up a quick design using the photos from the shoot. I think they turned out really well and could be used on the home page for students as links. You click this banner and Sam's page will open up containing his work and his full profile picture. I am aware the typeface is different. This is just a rough idea to give an idea of what it will look like. A final design will be created sticking to the same font.


  1. Jack,

    I know I told you in class but, ensure that the website is working for this week.

    Send me the link once that happens.

    See you soon,

  2. Jack,

    Because of the excitement of the beautiful pictures and the great format you decided to design for each of the students in class I didn't notice the use of this NEW typo for the name of the students. Can you please explain why you decided to use this and not the one used in the rest of your marketing campaign (a sans-serif if I don't remember wrong)?
    If the reason is: "because I like it" then I suggest you to stick to the guidelines and use the original concept one.

    Let me know,
