Sunday, 13 March 2011

Writing for the website...

Among our group (Me, Glenn, Sam) We had to certain tasks to complete to make sure the website got done on time. I was given the task to write up some text for the website pages. the first being course information:

"The Sustainable Design and Innovation course aims to produce graduates who thrive to design both exciting new products and redesign existing products to make them perform more efficiently and effectively. It is the up-most importance to the designer to consider aesthetics, function and ergonomics whilst ensuring the materials, services and manufacturing methods used can be taken from creation to disposal with minimal impact on the environment. The pathway provides a good grounding in creative sustainable design methodology, its principles and how they are applied in practice. The large extent of skills acquired during the course can be applied throughout the design-life of a product; Starting at the initial 2D concept, through the 3D modelling, testing and manufacture, ending in the advertising of the product."

I tried to write it so it was appealing to whoever was reading it, almost selling the course. I also had to included a small paragraph about the university:

"Anglia Ruskin University has educated thousands of students since being awarded university status in 1991 (initially called ‘Anglia Polytechnic). Today, it is home to roughly 31,000 students, spread across 2 main campuses. The main campuses at Cambridge and Chelmsford attract students not only from the East of England but in increasing numbers from mainland Europe and from further afield. In addition, the University has an extensive network of contacts with institutions throughout the world, delivering courses in countries as far removed as Malaysia and Trinidad."

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